Opposites Attract
A Brief Introduction to Dialogue and Dialectic
Russell P. Johnson
Price: TBD
Opposites Attract introduces readers to the genre of philosophical dialogue and to dialectic, which the author defines as “a back-and-forth that gets us somewhere we couldn’t have gotten without the back-and-forth.” In an easy-to-follow (and sometimes humorous) way, the book analyzes classical and modern examples to argue that direct, monologic communication is not always the most persuasive form of argumentation. By presenting ideas that seem to contradict one another, or by presenting one’s case as a dialogue between opposing parties, others can engage your thought processes in a dynamic way. Dialectic, at its best, makes readers active participants in the reasoning process rather than simply offering them conclusions to accept. Hence, Opposites Attract—presenting opposing views can be a powerful, persuasive strategy.
To illustrate these points, the book explores the writings of fifteenth-century philosopher and theologian Nicholas of Cusa. By arguing both sides of a disputed point, Nicholas challenges the assumptions his readers have and guides readers into a deeper comprehension of reality. For example, arguing simultaneously that God is unmoving and always constant, and that God is moving and always active, Nicholas helps readers grapple with the apparent paradox of Divine love.
These days, we are accustomed to treat disagreements in an either/or way. If one idea is true, its alternatives must be false. Without being relativistic, Opposites Attract argues that disagreements can sometimes be invitations into more complex truths. Bringing multiple voices into conversation allows us to recognize aspects of reality (whether in theology, politics, or ethics) that might otherwise get eclipsed in argumentation.
About the Author
Russell P. Johnson
Ph.D. University of Chicago
Russell P. Johnson teaches religious studies and ethics at the University of Chicago. His research focuses on communication and antagonism—more specifically, how “us versus them” thinking inhibits people from understanding and persuading their enemies. His philosophical work looks at the nature of human commitments, and how conflicts and interpersonal encounters shape our beliefs. His previous book, Beyond Civility in Social Conflict: Dialogue, Critique, and Religious Ethics (Cambridge, 2024), provides a Christian framework for communication rooted in the tradition of nonviolent direct action.