

Traditional scholarly books written for and consumed primarily by the Academy that pursue knowledge and understanding within the contexts of the Christian faith and the field of communication. Our authors are leaders in the field across diverse perspectives and traditions who write for undergraduate and graduate students in public and private institutions. 


Companion tradebooks that can be used alongside traditional textbooks in multiple instructional settings. These are scholarly yet accessible works for audiences that reach beyond the Academy and provide foundational Christian perspectives on timeless and timely communication concepts and practices. Books are theoretically grounded but practically oriented.


Works of pastoral communication and devotional materials developed from sermons, podcasts, or ministry material. Also includes rhetorical analysis of important pastoral texts, historical church leaders, and theologians.

Trinity House

A space for the performing and creative arts, including plays, dance, art, musicals, poetry, works of multi-media, and more. Also includes (auto)biographies and works of fiction.

Black & White Books

Long form journalism, indepth interviews, case studies, (auto)ethnographies, and conversations about timely and important communication topics that require quick-turn-around. Also includes curriculum and other instructional resources relevant to the field of communication.